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Showing posts from July, 2010


Dear Readers, Yesterday I had the overwhelming urge to write something really long. So I wrote in my journal. Typing it up revealed that the entry was over 2000 words. Imagine that, a paper well worth reading in most eyes. Today, I again have an urge to write something really long and yet, I feel as though nothing is worth writing about. There a million complaints that could be shared, but I like to be a positive person. You could here about all my roommates, but they probably don't want me pasting their lives on the internet. You definitely don't want to hear about how much I eat while I'm here at BYU. We are moving out soon, so I'm trying to eat all my food. I could write about our adventures here...that's actually an ok topic. I don't know if that's enough to write about, though. Anyway, I'm sitting here on a Thursday afternoon after failing yet another test, listening to ITunes music while my roommates are trying to find their Monopoly game. Today I ...

Run, Forrest, Run!

Dear Readers, My FHE group and I now have a tradition. We go running every Monday and Wednesday morning as a group. Not all of us are there, but about five of us go. It's really a great way to get up in the morning and motivate us to go to bed at night, rather than staying up til all hours playing games. Eddy did not have that motivation last night. We met up with him as he was coming home from last night. Yep, that's right. He was out all night walking around a making bracelets and talking with a girl in our ward. How does that work? Oh well, he's his own man. Our FHE group did well this morning, with Jenny leading us around campus. Tyler left for breakfast with his lady friend while the rest of us talked and streched in front of the girl's dorm, while EFY kids were having their morning devotional. What can I say, we like to party it up here at BYU. I might go running tomorrow by myself. That sounds very appealing.

Testing...not so fun

Dear Readers, I don't know how it is for anyone else, but I was a good test taker in high school. I seldom scored lower than 80% on any test. In college, tests must be harder because my scores rarely go above 85%. Today, yet again, I scored in the 70s. Why?! Working my butt off here and I keep scoring very, very poorly on my tests. I am not having a good day...

Home away from home

Dear Readers, I think it's amazing how comfortable you can get with people without knowing them all that well. College is definitely a good experience in that way. Living away from home, you definitely become a family with those in your ward and in your apartment. I feel like I've lived with these guys here forever, though it's only been a few short weeks. Yes sir, we're mighty good buddies.

Cabin adventures...and injured cars

Dear Readers, This weekend we went for a trip to my wonderful friend's cabin. (Julia's) All went very well with all of us getting little sleep, stubbed toes in the river and eating pizza for three meals a day. Ok, we only had two meals, but they were both pizza. There was one hitch, though. On the way up the dirt road to the cabin, we hit a rather large rock, apparently knocking it out of place. We went over it, decimating the oil tank in the car. Luckily it only hit the tank and perhaps the filter. Either way, Brother Marshall was very kind to come tow us out of the mountains down to a church where AAA could take it all the way back to Salt Lake. Exciting weekend? I think so.

BYU Creativity

Dear Readers, Enjoy this video made by the BYU Library (HBLL) and used all over the web, even told about in a story by CNN. It's hilarious. :) Isn't that just worth watching over and over again?

So don't go wasting my precious Time

Dear Readers, Ok, my time isn't so precious while I'm down here, but today was rather unusual. I got up ten minutes before my class started at 8 and I was home an hour later because our professor let us out an hour and half early. Why? I haven't the slightest. Perhaps so we can study for our test this week. Anyway, I feel like class was a waste today because it was only an hour and I could have been sleeping in bed. Oh well. I'm up now and have plenty of things to do, such as pester you avid readers with tales of woe. Hope you're having a good day! :)

Being takes awhile

Dear Readers, So I feel like a terrible person. I've been sitting next to the same guy and girl in my Physical Science class for about three weeks now. We've talked about the class and gotten to know each other a little bit, including our heritage and where we're from (The girl is half japanese). Why do I feel like a terrible person? Only today did I learn their names are Nick and Lydia. My life as an average joe, go figure.

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

Dear Readers, That title stems mainly from me not using a song for a title in awhile. I've just been thinking today how wonderful the world our Father created continues to be. He gave us wonderful friends, he gave us brilliant weather and he also gave us our precious little moments we experience everyday. Let me expound upon what I mean: Earlier this week, as I sat on the balcony of our apartment building, my roommate was walking up to the door when he saw a hummingbird. He got so excited as he ran after it, whipping out his camera as he went. Just the look of sheer joy was a great moment worth having this week. Just yesterday I had the pleasure of talking with an old aquaintance for a few minutes as I was out riding my bike. She and I talked about what we were doing before she had to get to work. Running into friendly people is very enjoyable. What's better is hanging out with old friends. Yesterday I saw three people I have not seen for at least two weeks. Doesn't sound l...

Temple Trips...Especially

Dear Readers, Today I am going through the Temple to take out my Endowment. For all non-LDS readers, this means I'm going to make certain promises in the Temple. The excitement is nearly killing me as I could not sleep last night and waking up this morning was really easy. The time is this afternoon and I'm not sure about all the things I'm supposed to expect. However, I know it's what the Lord wants me to do so I can serve others, whether they be dead or alive. I'll see you all later as a more than slightly different man later today. :)

Music 101

Dear Readers, What do you think of when you thing 'classical' or 'classic'? Do you think of the musical style? Good for you, that's very cultured of you. Do you think classic cars? That's good as well. YOu have good taste in cars. Do you think of ancient cultures such as Rome or Greece? Those were classical times. That's what we talked about today in Music 101 at BYU. Classical music was during the time of several different revolutions, including the American and French revolutions. Our class does not seem very organized, but then again, how can you organize something that varied so much around the world throughout history. Music is a language all to itself. Art and music are all language that are universal. It's hard to stay awake when your roommates keep you up til midnight or later. Not to mention this class does not particularly catch your interest. Alas, staying awake is a must and learning all you can is ordained of our Heavenly Father. Thus I watc...


Dear Readers, Unfortunately, my roommates and I had our first run-in last night. We were not keeping track of time very well and we had girls in our apartment past curfew. In our defense, our RA told us the visiting hours were an hour later than they actually were, so he's trying to get our violation written off. Curtis is such a great guy. Too bad they came around on the one night that we were actually breaking curfew. Every other night we've been so good and orderly about visiting hours. We're going to be more responsible in the future. :)

Testing and more testing

Dear Readers, Today is an exciting day. Not only do I get to go home for the weekend, there is a guy upstairs who opening his Mission Call as we speak. We'll see where he heads off to later. My roommates are finishing up their tests today, all of them expecting to pass. College life is great. Did I mention last time how cool the testing center is? I mean, you take all of these courses at a university and you can clump them all together in the same room to take their respective tests! Unless they're timed or have a CD with them or something. BYU does have the spirit around, because the idea of the testing center is most definitely inspired of our heavenly father.

Testing Week

Dear Readers, This week has been filled with many a test for me here at BYU. On Tuesday, I took a Physical Science test that wasn't that bad, to be quite honest. There were thirty multiple choice questions followed by an essay that was really just a short answer. As of now, I have a 93% because of the multiple choice. We'll find out what my essay score is later. Hopefully it will raise it overall to a 94%. Yesterday I took the Aural Skills exam. What is that, you say? Well, my friends, it is the exam equivalent to the AP Music Theory Examination. The difference is about $80 and 2 hours. Haha, I went and paid $5 and spent half and hour listening to a tape that was quizzing me and guess what?!...I PASSED! Now, I can audition for the College of Fine Arts and hopefully start participating in various music groups around BYU. Yeah, yesterday was a pretty good day(not quite as good as monday). Today I am taking another music exam, but this time for my Music 101 class. I don't thin...

College Week #3

Dear Readers, College life can really throw you for a loop. Last week I thought my classes might kill me with all the work I needed to do. This week I'm discovering that they can easily go down with some good planning and hard-core studying. (Hard-core...that makes me sound ninja, haha) Today I only have one class, which leaves me plenty of time to finish up my other homework before I head off to bed. :) Wish me luck with the couple of tests I have this week.

Holiday Weekend! Wahoo!

Dear Readers, Well, a Happy Independence Day to all of you! I would just like to take this time to say that you can wish someone Happy Independence pretty much any day through July or August, considering the signing of the declaration took place on July 2nd or 3rd(I can't remember which) and it was published many times over throughout those two months. Anyway, I hope you've all enjoyed your holiday weekend with fireworks and hopefully good company. We had a wonderful Lundstrom Family reunion this weekend on Friday and Saturday. All through-out the reunion each family member earned 'Lundstrom Loot' that we used on Saturday to have an auction on all kinds of things that each family member brought from around their house. I ended up with a movie and a music book, which aren't bad prizes. Today has been an adventure, too. My best friend and I went for an early hike this morning which was a lot of fun. Next stop: Mount Olympus. Haha, we'll get there eventually. I the...

My Roomies

Dear Readers, I love my roommates. They are hilarious. We've stayed up late most nights this week and I don't really care how tired I get the next day. One night it was talking about dreams, another it was ghost stories(Isaac is a great storyteller) and last night we stayed up til about midnight watching "A knight's tale." By far, my personal favorite was drawing on the sidewalk with chalk in front of one of the girl's dorms. College life is great. :)