Master the tempest is raging Hey Y'all, It's quite impressive how different the weather is here in Talcahuano. The roof in the church literally fell apart on Saturday, shortly after Judy and Jorge's baptism. The floor in the chapel was soaked on one side on Sunday, not that we needed more space. Only about 60 people came to church because of the gigantic storm we had that basically killed Talcahuano. ;) The most impressive stat about this weekend: Winds up to 120 Km/h (72 mph). Pretty impressive, huh? We lost power and we visited several houses that the power was also cut. Fun times. We didn't accomplish a whole lot in finding people to teach, but we definitely had a good time with those people in our sector. :) I had the privilege to confirm Judy on Sunday, despite all of the tempests outside that almost killed us on Saturday. Oh, did I forget to mention the tin roof that almost sliced our heads off? Fun times. :) Don't worry, nobody was hurt by an...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.