Dear Reader, It has been quite awhile since we have hit on something significant on this blog. It has been a busy time with school starting and getting back into the swing of things after a summer filled with nothing but work and hanging out with friends. However, I feel the need to discuss something that has been lacking in my life lately. Most of the following points might be repetitive to some of you, having grown up in highly religious families/communities. In other words, this post is mostly for me. Faith is like a little seed; if planted, it will grow. Ok, so the first question that everyone always asks when introducing Faith is usually, "What is Faith?" followed usually by some definition about a hope of things not seen but are true. I'll be honest, Faith is not something I can explain very well. People always talk about knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that they have so much Faith in God and his plan. I have a hard time...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.