Dear Reader, I did. A couple of weeks ago I popped the big question to the lovely, talented and lovable Lauren Busath. The day was not as eventful as most engagements, but I thought it was perfect for us. We are very excited to be getting sealed in the Bountiful Temple in August! In celebration of the recent events, here the story. However, we wanted to get both sides. Everything in bold is Lauren's writing. Everything else is me. Now, Lauren and I have dated twice...once back in 2012-2013 for a few months before she left on a full-time mission and now. We went on our "first date" in February of this year and had such a great time. I felt as though we hadn't skipped a beat since the last time we had been out. So, come the beginning of May, I was head over heels for her already. We had already been to my sister's wedding together and we were doing pretty much everything together. Thus, the engagement was not a foreign concept. After dating only three shor...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.