Dear Reader, There is a story of man who had a dream about death. He had passed from life and now found himself in a room full of sky-high filing cabinets, the kind found in libraries with authors' names written on small index cards. The cabinets were lined up in every direction and there seemed to be no end. The man wandered through the shelves and noticed something peculiar: the drawers, instead of authors' names, had interesting parts of life written them such as 'Jobs I've had' or 'People I've helped.' Intrigued, the man continued looking at the names of drawers until he came to a realization that the drawers contained detailed descriptions of the different instances of his life. He opened a drawer with the title 'Times I've cried' and read, in detail, about every time he had cried in his life, the reason for his sadness and where he was when it happened. He then looked in drawer after drawer and found that every card came from his l...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.