Dear Readers,
I have recently discovered that being a high school student during AP season without actually having an AP class puts you in a most boring position. This year, opposed to last year, all my friends busy themselves with studying(as they should) while some of us wonder why we aren't smart like that. Last year, we would all study together and get a lot done to overcome these massive 3-4 hour tests. Not this year.
AP tests are generally beneficial if you pass them, so my best friends should hopefully do really well on their tests to eliminate classes from their college schedule. Some, on the other hand, have very little significance, yet the class gives you so much information that can be used in later courses. My sisters both benefited from getting the highest scores on the AP Calculus Test and basically didn't have to take math in college. AP Music Theory and Harmony barely gets anything, and that's if you can get a 5 on it.
Anyway, best of luck to those taking AP tests soon. I miss you while you're studying, but you are doing a wonderful job in continuing your education. :) You're amazing!
I have recently discovered that being a high school student during AP season without actually having an AP class puts you in a most boring position. This year, opposed to last year, all my friends busy themselves with studying(as they should) while some of us wonder why we aren't smart like that. Last year, we would all study together and get a lot done to overcome these massive 3-4 hour tests. Not this year.
AP tests are generally beneficial if you pass them, so my best friends should hopefully do really well on their tests to eliminate classes from their college schedule. Some, on the other hand, have very little significance, yet the class gives you so much information that can be used in later courses. My sisters both benefited from getting the highest scores on the AP Calculus Test and basically didn't have to take math in college. AP Music Theory and Harmony barely gets anything, and that's if you can get a 5 on it.
Anyway, best of luck to those taking AP tests soon. I miss you while you're studying, but you are doing a wonderful job in continuing your education. :) You're amazing!
I didn't take calculus. I got out of math based on my ACT score.