This week, yes, we did get to watch the first presidency devotional. I enjoyed the choir a lot, but wasn't too fond of the song selection. It was still beautiful, though. Elder Palmer and I have been working hard this week and we've committed Alan to Baptism! too bad we leave before he's eligible, but at least we got the commitment and the effort on his part. The lord helped us out in one lesson we had with him about the Plan of Salvation.
Not a whole lot other than that has happened this week. We got rid of our older district completely, so we're the oldest now. There are a few elders in the newer district going to the Peruvian MTC a week before we leave and one sister heading off to Spain, but we're the next ones to leave besides them. The rest have to stay until next year! We're not getting a new district this week, even though our zone is down to three(small districts, too. Each one has 8 or 9) for a total of 25 people. We had our Testimony meeting this week on Sunday where 19 of those 25 bore their testimonies- In Spanish! Way to go, zone. We're awesome.
I figured out another reason missionaries go away for their service. If they were to serve in their hometown, no one would think they were different for being a missionary. In a different place, we can set a new standard for who we are an set a good example for the church.
I want to tell you about Hno. Hernandez. He is such a great guy and a wonderful teacher. We are blessed to have him because he is the only native Spanish speaking teacher. He comes from Mexico and has only been learning English for about a year and half. It makes it hard to explain some things, but now that we're getting the hang of understanding him in both languages, he can speak however he wants and we'll get it. The best part is when conduct an entire class period in spanish. Go us. :) But I really want to share how loving he is. He will answer any question you have, no matter how small and during his prayers he mentions each one of the elders' families by name to ask for a blessing for them. He's the purest heart I've ever met.
Elder Palmer and I are having great success this week and we can't wait to get our travel plans, hopefully Thursday. We'll let you know next week!
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