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Showing posts from December, 2011
Editor's note: with the phone call yesterday, emails were brief today. We talked about Dale's friends on the phone, and he knows how valuable his friends are. Keep up your encouragement! Here is Dale's short email: Thanks for the talk yesterday and answering our question about Yankees. :) We are coming up on the new year and I wanted to ask what you think about something. I'm setting New Year's resolutions according to a scripture found in Luke. Luke 2:52 says, "And Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, in favour of God and man." I have two goals for every category except for growing in favour of God. Ironically and despite the fact that I'm out here on his time and doing his work, I have no idea how to grow in favour with Him. In favour with man I can bring breakfast to a district meeting or give more compliments, but I wanted to ask you how you grow in favour of God. Any ideas?

It´s beginning to look a lot like...wait, what?‏

Hey Y'all, How about a few inches of Snow? No, we didn't get any, but it would be nice for Christmas. No, it's another hot, hot Christmas down here in Chile. It's been a good 70-80 degrees for a couple of weeks and Wednesday marks the official start of Summer. We're having a good time trying to have a Christmas spirit, but Chileans don't get into it as much as North Americans. I think it has something to do with the weather. Anyway, we haven't gone caroling or anything of that sort, but we are excited to have a good Christmas with the Haroldsons here in the Branch. The Highlights of this week: an intercambio with Elder Quispe. It was a fun time and we got a lot done while working here in Curacautin. Elder Quispe is our District Leader and works in Victoria, another city close by. His companion, Elder Villatoro, worked with Elder Thomas over in Victoria for the day. Elder Quispe is from Peru and has lots of time in the mission. It was nice...
Hey y'all, Well, it´s been a pretty good week. We've been working hard and we can see fruits here and there. Most of the stuff that happened this week is pretty dull and monotonous, so I´ll just skip to the good parts about Chopping wood again and doing it in rain. :) Not to mention the highlight for the week... I´M BACK IN TEMUCO! Ha ha, it's pretty exciting. The time has rolled around for me to start renewing all my governmental documents, which includes a trip to Temuco. :) That´s where we are right now, living the good life. It was actually a pretty good day because I ran into 2 different people that I met while I was here a YEAR ago! One of them was the niece of a ward member and the other was a man that was baptized while Elder Gomez and I were in Millahue working in the same ward. We chatted for a while. It was a good time. We went all around downtown trying to figure out my government documents. What usually happens is the mission secretary sends...
Hey Yall, Well, we´ve got heat waves, rain storms and whatever else you can think of in the weather this week...well, not really, but we did have a very tempermental weather scheme this week. It was burning hot the first couple of days, followed soon by a rainstorm bigger than anything I´ve ever seen in Utah. It was a good week. I´ll tell you all something about my old testament studies. In Leviticus, at least what I´ve read so far(About 12 chapters), it´s pretty repetitive. I´ll give you a little time saving leviticus if you want to know which animal to sacrifice in every case of sacrifice or what do with your child if they are born with leprosy. There´s not a whole lot in Leviticus other than that. Although, something interesting is that it doesn´t matter how much people had back in those days, everyone gave something to help build the tabernacle and/or give sacrifices unto God. Good lesson, right? We had a seemingly frightening but which turned out to be very enlighten...