Hey Yall,
This week I've learned that I love working where I work. Where do I work? Western Nut Company. What do I do? I work with Boxes. Lots and lots of Boxes. I pack boxes. I unpack boxes. Load boxes, unload boxes, move boxes, make boxes, brake boxes, etc. I love boxes. Did I mention I count boxes too?
Haha, no. It's not exactly that all the time. We also prepare the stations of nuts that go out to stores for the holiday season, drive trucks, count products and even do some shipping. My Boss is pretty awesome. He gets stressed, but he's still a great guy who really knows how to say what he wants you to understand. :) He sometimes doesn't understand what you're trying to say, but it's just important that the job gets done. I also work with a guy who is always trying to set me up on dates. He's a funny guy who personally declares himself evil. Why, I don't know.
The best part about work? I feel like I'm part of the crew. We come from so many different backgrounds: ex-missionaries, weekend drunks and young guns from California among many more. However, that does not affect how well we interact with each other. I feel like we're friends, even though we hardly know each other. I have to thank them for that. :)
So, if you ever wonder what to do at work, have a nice conversation with your coworkers and find common points in your lives. Thank them for what they do. :) I thank all of my good friends, Family and coworkers for what they do.
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