Dear Reader, My girlfriend's head is on my shoulder. It hurts her face because my shoulder is bony. She does not like it much when her face hurts. The end. Feel enlightened. Ok, that was not really the end. That is just what Lauren wanted to input about my blog. This is the first time she has really seen my blog at all. She has yet to see any of the posts. Unless she stalked me, found it and read it without me knowing. I wouldn't mind that. She knows basically everything about me anyway. This is one of the few things she hasn't seen, but it is nothing of extreme consequence. It is more of an added bonus. As the title suggests, she is very attractive: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and whatever other -lly words you can think of. I love her a lot. Tonight she showed how awesome she is by bringing me some milk after she ended her shift at work. That may not seem like a lot, but it is very significant. She also dances with me. Again, not a huge deal, but I...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.