Dear Reader,
This song is from our favorite musical ever is quite interesting (hopefully you all catch the sarcasm in that statement). The video is one of the funniest on Youtube. I really have no idea where the inspiration for this song/scene came from, but it is complimentary to today's blog post.
There has been so much going through my head this week. I really just wish it would stop working for a little bit. I guess I better start with a warning: I am mostly just ranting today. The ending will hopefully bring out some inspirational and uplifting thought, but you don't have to read on to find out. This week has been emotionally draining for no apparent reason. There are only two things that have happened which merit high emotions, but one of those things has nothing to do with me directly. To sum up: I have been missing people and not understanding certain circumstances.
Who have I been missing? Three of my best friends. I have talked with two of them this weekend. One of them seems to hate me beyond all reason. Another has seen sides of me that should I hope most people never see. I haven't talked to the third in months and I don't know if we will ever talk again.
What don't I understand? Most of you have probably heard the stories going around about Kate Kelly and the Ordain Women movement. She was excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Though I agree with the decision made, it is not happy news for anyone. The part I don't understand is what Kate Kelly is thinking. No, I don't think she is a terrible person or that she has some kind of problem, I just don't understand some of her decisions. Maybe after this life I'll receive more insight to her thoughts, but for right now I'm struggling with how to interact with some people who support the movement she started.
This week basically comes down to being overwhelmed with emotions. Some of them can be traced to a specific source. Others came out of nowhere. I have been struggling to figure how to deal with them. I have discovered some things about myself this week, though. My sleeping schedule hasn't been normal for a couple of months. That affects much of what I feel. This is old news, but still true. I have also found that dating is so much more complicated than anyone says.
The most important thing learning this week has come from on high. I have felt Heavenly Father's love, despite the stupid things I have been doing. I don't know how/why he still loves me, but he does. I hate how it takes me feeling down in the dumps to figure that out.
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