Dear Reader, I don't know if I have talked much about this, but I'm going to Spain! This will be my last post from the United States of America for a couple of months. Hopefully you will hear a couple things from me in Europe while we are studying. In honor of my voyage this Labor Day Monday, I will tell you a little bit more about what led me to this point. About a year and a half ago, I was talking with a friend who had recently returned from studying abroad in England. She loved being there and she was struggling to adjust in the U.S. again. While talking international studies, I thought that it would be nice to make a trip like that some day. Apparently some higher authority really wanted me to go, because the thought that I should study abroad stuck with me that entire week until I made the decision myself to go. Thoughts bombarded me every hour of that week. "Go on a study abroad." "You need to go." They were very firm impressions I had...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.