Dear Reader,
Some of you may know about the girls I have kissed. I am not going to go through the stories of all of them, although some of them are awesome stories. No, today is to show how much fun it is to make a fool of yourself while running around at the Utah State Fairgrounds. My brother gave me the idea of wearing a kissing booth costume to a race called the "Hit and Run 5K." There were many awkward looks and I only received 2.5 kisses, the half coming from Curtis. Go team!
Some of you may know about the girls I have kissed. I am not going to go through the stories of all of them, although some of them are awesome stories. No, today is to show how much fun it is to make a fool of yourself while running around at the Utah State Fairgrounds. My brother gave me the idea of wearing a kissing booth costume to a race called the "Hit and Run 5K." There were many awkward looks and I only received 2.5 kisses, the half coming from Curtis. Go team!
Curtis wanted to get out early on the starting line.
The obstacles were relatively hard...especially when you are wearing either a penguin or Kissing booth costume.
With a zoom view, I look pretty epic in this picture.
I don't look so epic in this one.
Mom was very supportive.
Curtis and I were having a blast.
It was a race well-run. We had a blast being fit as a family and being crazy individually. Yay for the Hit and Run 5K!
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