Dear Reader, Today I cheated. Instead of thinking of a song I knew about traveling or seeing the world, I searched for one. Yes, Google was my assistant. The result was finding this song by Dar Williams, " I Have Been Around the World ." I have never heard of her and I know nothing about her. The song was cool, so I decided to use the title. So sue me. I am going to change it to "I Have Been Around Spain." Because that is what our group has been doing. A lot. This past weekend we took a trip to Avila and Salamanca, returned to Madrid for a Futbol game, and then finished off the weekend with a farewell concert for a missionary couple on Temple Square in Madrid. It was quite an adventure. Of course I'll share some pictures with you! The majority of our group This week's trip included stops in Ávila and Salamanca. We really couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Taking off from Madrid Friday morning, we spent the morning in Ávila looking at...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.