Dear Reader,
Today I'm experiencing a little bit of writer's block. Thus, Mary Poppin's wise word came to mind: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. She said you will have a lot to say when you summon up that word, right? Well, I know it is a lame excuse for not having much to say, but I'll just go straight to the pictures from this our trip this week.
The Brigham Young University Spain group left go to Portugal! The following are highlights of our trip, some with explanations, others to be interpreted how you desire. :)
We started our trip with a stop in Trujillo, just a short way outside of Badajoz, Spain. It is a nice little town with a castle on top of a hill. We were only there for an hour, but we took lots of good pictures from the top and in the small shops in the main square.
I took advantage of being so close to the bell tower and rang it three times. It probably doesn't have the same effect as ringing the bell we saw at the Alhambra en Granada, but I have high hopes. (See my previous posts if you don't get it.)
We spent our morning in Lisbon with our wonderful tour guide Guillermina (Spelled something like that). She told us all about the different neighborhoods in Lisbon and took us to the Cathedral near the river. It was under renovation, so there was not a lot of silence or reverence about the place like the other cathedrals we have visited. However, the architecture was still impressive. There were beautiful stain glass windows and high-arched ceilings of stone. The outside was all white because of the proximity to the large body of water.
After the cathedral, we went down to the river and saw the Torre de Belem, which is a castle tower that sits in the river (Pictured at the left). It was a nice windy day and the smell reminded me of some days in Chile when we walked along the coast in Coronel or in Talcahuano. We of course took many a picture of the fun we were having. There was also a solo violinist who was playing lots of popular music, including songs from Imagine Dragons and The Phantom of the Opera.
All in all, there are many things we wanted to do, but we only had one full day in Portugal. Therefore, we have many reasons to come back.
Today I'm experiencing a little bit of writer's block. Thus, Mary Poppin's wise word came to mind: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. She said you will have a lot to say when you summon up that word, right? Well, I know it is a lame excuse for not having much to say, but I'll just go straight to the pictures from this our trip this week.
The Brigham Young University Spain group left go to Portugal! The following are highlights of our trip, some with explanations, others to be interpreted how you desire. :)
We started our trip with a stop in Trujillo, just a short way outside of Badajoz, Spain. It is a nice little town with a castle on top of a hill. We were only there for an hour, but we took lots of good pictures from the top and in the small shops in the main square.
I took advantage of being so close to the bell tower and rang it three times. It probably doesn't have the same effect as ringing the bell we saw at the Alhambra en Granada, but I have high hopes. (See my previous posts if you don't get it.)
Isabell in front of the Torre de Belem. |
After the cathedral, we went down to the river and saw the Torre de Belem, which is a castle tower that sits in the river (Pictured at the left). It was a nice windy day and the smell reminded me of some days in Chile when we walked along the coast in Coronel or in Talcahuano. We of course took many a picture of the fun we were having. There was also a solo violinist who was playing lots of popular music, including songs from Imagine Dragons and The Phantom of the Opera.
The view from one side of Lisbon. |
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