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Showing posts from December, 2014

This Year, to Save Me from Tear, I'll Give it to Someone Special

Dear Reader, You have heard the song, "Last Christmas," right? Well, today I want to use that song, a chapter from Alma in the Book of Mormon and my insights to address the topic of dating/marriage. I want men to pay special attention, because I feel that women hear stuff like this much more than we do. To start off, let's see the lyrics to the chorus of the song I'm for today: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart And the very next day, you gave it away This year, to save me from tear,  I'll give it to someone special I thought of this song because of a few sayings that some of my friends have posted on social media, my favorite of which is, "Dance with God; He will let the right man cut in." Between the song and that phrase, the idea came to mind that as men, we don't really have that mentality. We (I speak for men, but obviously there are exceptions) don't feel the need to be close to God in order to be a good boyfriend/husband. ...

It's That Time of Year!

Dear Reader, It is that time of year. Everyone seems to fall in love. Every song you hear seems to say, "Merry Christmas, may your New Year dreams come true." This year that is the case. This year I have been focusing a lot more on why we celebrate Christmas. The video above shares that. I just have to add my testimony to what has been shared. I know that Christ was born with a specific purpose. He was born to perform the Atonement. The night of His birth was a very significant day for the entire world and I am glad we have the time to spend with our families and remember what He has done for us. Tonight I wanted to make a list of songs commemorating Christmas. They are linked to a favorite arrangement for each song on Youtube. The intent was to have as many different artists as possible. If you have any you would like to add, just let me know through your comments or emails. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! " Mary Did You Know? "  "...

I'll Be Home for Christmas

Dear Reader, Please have snow and mistletoe. Emphasis on the snow. There is certainly a special feeling being around loved ones for the holidays. Today my family and I had an early Christmas Eve party. It is a little difficult to plan logistics when two siblings are married with kids while two others are living away from home. Thus, we have started a new tradition. Cool story, right? The Lundstrom Family, Thanksgiving 2014 My feelings towards the holidays have been pretty different than they have in the past. I hear stories about friends traveling home for Christmas break. Some of them travel to the east coast, others to California, etc. It has come to my attention this year more than others that some college students don't see their families during months because of the distance from home. It has definitely helped me appreciate the time with my family more. I also appreciate my other "family," or the people who are not literally related, but we are very close.  ...

Tiny Tots with Their Eyes All a Glow

Dear Friends, As I have mentioned before, Barbershop is a big part of life. In "The Christmas Song," there is the line about tiny tots having a hard time sleeping because they are so excited to see if Santa is coming. When it comes to singing, I am like a tiny tot with a glow in my eye. It is the best! Singing with a group is one of the greatest experiences anyone can have in their lifetime. With that, I will share parts of the concert we put on last weekend. Combined choruses from Utah Valley put on a concert in Lindon. Below are the videos of our songs. Our quartet, Ever Higher, sang "The Christmas Song." Mountain West Voices with their rendition of "Homeless." Soloist: Josh Wiser.  The Short Version of "Silent Night." Soloist: Clayton Watts.

Remember Pearl Harbor

Dear Reader, Yes, there is a song about Pearl Harbor called "Remember Pearl Harbor." You can listen to it on Youtube here . It is a song written in 1942. (Photo Credit: ) I just wanted to take a short time today and remind every US citizen a little bit about our history. Today, December 7th, marks the 73rd anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii. On *December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan carried out a surprise attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor, killing more than 2400 sailors, pilots, nurses and citizens. A thousand more were wounded. Of the 16 Naval vessels in the Harbor, all were either seriously damaged or sunk. Why would I want to remember such a terrible day and a great loss of life? As I have mentioned before, my Grandpa served in the military during World War II. I remember Pearl Harbor not because of how many American lives were lost, but because of how the Citizens of the United States responded as a country. P...

These Are the Numbers that Begin Pi

Dear Reader, 3.141592...These are the numbers that begin pi. Here is one of the most random things you will ever learn about Dale. I love numbers. The title for today's post actually comes from a song when I heard when I was in third grade. You may be able to find a recording of it somewhere online, but it would be a arduous search, because the song I heard was sung by a guy who came to our elementary school to teach us about math during an assembly. The song used the numbers to create a melody based on the corresponding intervals. For example, in a C Major scale, pi would correlate as follows: 3=E . 1=C 4=F 1=C 5=G 9=D 2=D Anyway, that is just a small sample of weird things that numbers do in my head. The real purpose of today's post is to record one of my favorite conversations with my Dad. He and I began to argue one day about the numbers 2 and 3 . We quickly decided that 3 is by far the more significant number. We decided that because there are many occurrences of t...