Dear Reader, You have heard the song, "Last Christmas," right? Well, today I want to use that song, a chapter from Alma in the Book of Mormon and my insights to address the topic of dating/marriage. I want men to pay special attention, because I feel that women hear stuff like this much more than we do. To start off, let's see the lyrics to the chorus of the song I'm for today: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart And the very next day, you gave it away This year, to save me from tear, I'll give it to someone special I thought of this song because of a few sayings that some of my friends have posted on social media, my favorite of which is, "Dance with God; He will let the right man cut in." Between the song and that phrase, the idea came to mind that as men, we don't really have that mentality. We (I speak for men, but obviously there are exceptions) don't feel the need to be close to God in order to be a good boyfriend/husband. ...
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.