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Showing posts from April, 2013

You've got a friend in me

Dear Reader, I would like to tell you about one of my dearest friends. She is very talented, intelligent and can make you smile on any given day. We have been best friends forever and a day. :) Today is her birthday. Here's to you, Julia! I have so much to thank her for! We have seen so much and have talked about even more than that. Julia, you are the bomb! Word to your Grandmother!  Love,  Dale

One Thing

Dear Reader, I wish it was possible to type fast enough so as to keep up with the speed my brain goes. Think how nice it would be being able to write every single word that comes across your mind, in addition to monitoring and editing those words at the same time. This is made difficult when one thing is on your mind. One Direction sings a song called "One thing" in which they sing about how the girl has that "One thing" that no one else has. I can imagine having that on your mind would make it very difficult to be able to communicate yourself well and type as fast as you think. If that didn't make sense, don't worry. It made sense in my head. Alas, I can only write as fast as my fingers will let me. This allows for many thoughts to drift by and soon be forgot in the vast abyss called the unconscious. I wonder where those thoughts go. Anyway, I write to you about what is going on as of late. My roommate is having an Art Show today which is really cool....

It's a Party in the USA

Dear Reader, Miley Cyrus has her place in the world as well. Don't judge the song choice. It has to do this week between semesters. This is the time when everyone is getting ready for the new semester, whether they are going to school or getting ready to work full-time over the summer. Lots of people are having parties. We are going to have a party! My current Roommates and I are moving into the same apartment for spring semester and we are going to have a good time! I really didn't expect to get along so well with my roommates my first semester back, but my roommates have been awesome. There is one downside to this week. It is really easy to have lots of time to do nothing. The key is staying busy during the transition. Luckily, having a job and getting ready for the new semester helps with that. :) In essence, we are going to have a party in the USA this semester. Why? Because we can.

Count Your Blessings

Dear Reader, Today I write the post first and at the end I'll add a title. This is due to my lack of creativity at the moment and the shortage of foresight of what we will discuss today. There are many things worth talking about (as usual, considering how many things are on the mind). Let's dive right in and start with a great insight I had in Church today. A brother in our singles' ward talked about obedience today. He didn't describe being obedient in the normal way people do so. An example he presented was that of the Wright Brothers while working on the first man-made flying machine. You see, there were certain laws that they could have just ignored and probably gotten some results. However, by abiding these laws (Such as drag, lift, gravity, etc), they were able to find out a more efficient way of achieving their goal. Tonight my roommate invited us to dinner with his family. My initial reaction was to decline because I wasn't even home at the time and I ...

What's on your mind?

Dear Reader, 10 Points go to the person who can name the artist of that song. Now, the song itself doesn't really have a whole lot to do with my thoughts for the day, but it does have to do with telepathy and good communication. There are many times when I don't communicate myself well. My most common wish is having the ability to take what is in my head and lay it out perfectly clear for someone. It is partly because of that that I was interested in Psychology as a major. Then I discovered I'm not that smart. This will be short. All I want to say is that is that if you have a way to communicate what is on your mind clearly, please share your secret with me. The challenge for you? Don't give up on people just because they don't speak clearly.


Dear Reader, Yes, I did just use a song title from Avril Lavigne. As this week continues, I couldn't think of a better word to describe how life and schedules are developing. It seems almost impossible to get everything done that you need to. However, there is always time to get the most important things done. Allow me to tell you a little about what is going on this week. Last night we had FHE. We ended up with some food from Asia after our game of "Bigger or Better." For those who don't know how to play, the rules are simple. Each person (Or team) begins with something small such as a toothpick or a penny. By going around in the neighborhood, the goal is to trade that object for something bigger or better than what you have. You start with a penny, but you could come home with a BBQ Grill (Don't believe me? Ask my brother about it). As an example, you might trade the penny for a pencil then trade the pencil for a plate. Somewhere amid the trading you might g...

At the Beginning

Dear Reader, Song titles for ideas of what to write are somewhat repetitive. Hopefully you don't get bored with the connections to musical ideas. Today's connection comes from Anastasia, a classical cartoon about the story of the Russian Princess Anastasia. From the soundtrack come "At the Beginning," wherein a guy and a girl sing about their experiences and they want to keep on going, even after the end. They sing this way because of the idea that after the end, there is another beginning. That is my feeling as this semester comes to a close. I have learned a lot this semester. Between classes about marriage, the Doctrine and Covenants and Psychology, there are lots of big ideas being thrown around. Some of my classes I'll be glad to be done with. Others I will be sad to leave behind. Along with the classes, there are lots of clubs and people that I've gotten to know this semester. It will be sad to leave a few of them, too. However, some of them are co...

Oh, Taste and See How Gracious the Lord Is

Dear Reader, Today is one of those days that I'm happy I have my life. There are many problems that I don't have. Lots of struggles that I do have come from my own carnal and natural-man-state-of-mind. Yet my Heavenly Father helps me with my troubles. Let me explain a few examples of what I mean. Homework. If I have homework in classes I like, it's not a problem. If I don't like the class, doing the homework for it is almost as bad as jamming my finger in a door multiple times. This week started with a total of 5 essays to write, along with 2 projects. I didn't see how I could possibly finish all of them on time. Yet, somehow the Lord helped me remember the things I needed to remember to write the essays. As of now I am halfway done with my penultimate essay. The last one will be a great time...I am just very glad that somehow time shifts around and the spirit helps me work when I need it to. Money Issues. I won't lie. Never have I been in such a desperate...

Heal the World, make it a better place

Dear Reader, Today we discussed the civil rights movement in a class. Yesterday I talked with a good friend about Gay marriage. Last week we saw lots of people in each other's faces yelling about their disagreements. Things like this constantly happen. Me? I'm as happy as can be. Why? Because I know some things that not everyone knows. Well, maybe they know, but they don't understand. Now, I don't know everything. But knowing these few things helps me solve a lot of problems. 1. God lives. What He does or how He does it, I have no idea. I learn a lot about it, but those facts learned don't scratch the surface of how much He does or how much He knows. 2. We are all His Children. No matter who you are, no matter what you do and no matter what people see you as, you are a child of God. He wants us to be happy. He also wants us to learn and become better. We can say that our perfection is His goal. 3. We have a system to be able to love each other, despite dif...

When you count you begin with 1,2,3...when you sing you begin with Do-Re-Mi

Dear Reader! When I wrote last night I realized that it was my 299th Blog Post. What does that mean? Of course it means this post is number 300! Yay! I couldn't wait to bump it up to that great number, so I'm writing two days in a row. 300 Blog posts means almost 200 song titles for the Blog titles and about 200 experiences/insights over the past few years. Those numbers are in the 200s because while on my mission I didn't write the posts myself, so not many of them have song titles or are extremely detailed. To honor this great event, I wanted to share a list of things I am fairly certain I have done more than 300 times in my lifetime. This list is weird and skiwampus, but hopefully it makes you laugh because of how funny I am. There's number one: I'm pretty sure I have been very prideful more than 300 times in my life. Haha. I have: - Walked to/from Elementary school over 300 times - Walked to/from Junior High over 300 times - Walked to/from High School o...

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go!

Dear Reader, Man, today was a great day at work! Allow me to enlighten you about my job. I work as a laundry room attendant at the MTC. Which means I clean up after missionaries. That is what I do. Of my 4 hour-shift, about 2 hours consist of sweeping and mopping. However, today we got to use the mopping machine! It is a great big machine that we drive around to clean the floors. It is fun to drive. I work with two different coworkers on my current schedule: Theo and Alanna. Theo is a funny kid. We enjoy ourselves while working together. He kind of follows me around, but we love him. :) Alanna is a freshman and she's getting married in June. We have lots of fun. Today she gave me a ride in the garbage cart! It was a little painful going over bumps. The best part about work? Our boss randomly provides us with Pizza. Some days he comes over the radio and says, "Dale, Alanna, Theo...there's pizza up in the break room for you." He is pretty awesome. Unfortunately he...

Called to Serve him, Heavenly King of Glory

Dear Reader, This weekend is General Conference. Who is excited? I am excited. Not only do we get to listen to the General Authorities give inspired addresses meant to benefit our lives, I get to listen to conference while at work. I work in the MTC for those of you who don't know. On Saturdays, we often find ourselves with hours of down-time at a time. Thus, my coworker and I will have ample time to whip out a laptop and listen to conference that way. Sweet deal, right? We talked about this conference in our Doctrine and Covenants class this week and decided that this will be a landmark conference statistically speaking. No one really knows what the amount of Church growth has been or how much it will be in the next year. We talked a lot about becoming a global church and how the word of the Lord is penetrating literally every corner of the earth at this point. I love hearing things like that. Globalization comes with great accomplishments and some obstacles, but we can overco...

Will you dance with me tonight?

Dear Reader, I have no been dancing in awhile. I realized this today while sitting in my American Heritage Class. There was absolutely no provocation for this realization, considering our topic of the day was the Great Depression. Anyway, the point is I miss dancing. It is a good time. I miss ballroom dancing is the real idea. That must be clarified because I dance all the time by myself and with my acapella group. We actually have done a lot of dancing getting ready for the Acapella Jam, where we performed on Saturday. It was a good time.                                                                                                                     Richelle and Alan     ...