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Showing posts from November, 2009

In the Same Boat

Dear Readers, My congratulations goes out to the one person who now follows my blog. Love you, too, Sis. As for why the post today...well, I have a song stuck in my head. Remember that Musical I told you about? 'Curtains'? Well, it has a musical inside of the musical and one of those songs has been running through my head all week. "In the Same Boat" repeats over and over as one of the songs the cast in 'Curtains' can't seem to fix. I had an epiphany about stuck songs, though. If one starts actually thinking about the lyrics, new ideas can be found that make life much more interesting. As the song starts, "In the same boat,'neath the same sail. Narry a ship, narry a sail, narry a soul on the whole horizon..." we all are in this life with seemingly no help. But we must remember, we are all in the same boat that just happens to be heading down that road to greater things. :) Don't forget the pail!


Dear Readers, Well, high hopes that you all have had a wonderful week. This week has been a fun-filled yet busy week. The biggest reason for that is the musical out at Hillcrest High School called 'Curtains.' Now, I feel pretty priveleged to have played in this musical in which I knew no one. You see, the choir director over at Hillcrest is a long-time friend with our band-director and she asked if he and another trumpeter he knew could come play in the pit for 'Curtains.' Our esteemed director asked me and now I feel extremely professional because I have played in a musical that did not have anything to do with me. Playing in the pit has been a pleasure and many thanks go out to the directors and cast at Hillcrest and especially the new friends I have from the Pit Orchestra. While we're throwing out thanks, I have to include my two bestest of friends who gave me the pleasure of going out to ice-skate. Thank you guys for being the best! :D They also came to the prod...

Be Positive - President Hinckley

Hello Fellows! Life is terrible. Now, before you go on saying how pessimistic and dreadful that statement seems, think for a moment. What if this life that we are all living was designed to bring everyone down as to make those of us living through become better people by making it more positive? This idea came to mind today when I was thinking about people's interactions with each other. Take two people who do things for each other, such as two good friends, family members or significant others. In the minds of those two persons, what they do is good and makes life enjoyable. But imagine someone on the outside of that relationship. They make think it bad what they do and detrimental to all three parties. Although, going back to the original idea, this third party should learn to get over it to find joy in life and join in the good times shared by the initial two parties. Just a thought for the day. Anyway, this next week is going to test my physical limits. It is the culmination of...

Those days...

Hey Readers, Have you ever had one of those days when everything just seems to be off and you can't really figure out why? Of course you have, everyone does once in awhile. It is interesting that those days become so without any warning. Today has been one of those days and I must say that they do not make people happy. Despite this, all around me people seem to be having a good day, so there's nothing to complain about. Take my choir class for instance. Everyone today was just so peachy and lively and we actually made a couple of songs better without our illustrious teacher around to help. The highlight of the day goes to a certain girl in that class. You see, some of you know about citations in choir for bad behavior and lack of responsibility and such. Well, I was supposed to get a citation for leaving my folder out. That's where this great little girl(who shall remain nameless) called me over during class and gave me my folder back when the teacher wasn't looking. I...

29 Hours a Day

Howdy-doo to all you readers! You may ask why this post came up published at six in the morning. Well, the answer describes my lifestyle: it's the only time to do it. Take today, for example. The rehearsals for Vocal Ensemble and Band take up most of my time and I won't even get home until about 9. So I ask, why does school have to be so long? If only there were 29 hours in a day. That would be lovely, no? Well, here's wishing all of you out there a wonderful day that hopefully isn't jam-packed. :)