Dear Readers, My congratulations goes out to the one person who now follows my blog. Love you, too, Sis. As for why the post today...well, I have a song stuck in my head. Remember that Musical I told you about? 'Curtains'? Well, it has a musical inside of the musical and one of those songs has been running through my head all week. "In the Same Boat" repeats over and over as one of the songs the cast in 'Curtains' can't seem to fix. I had an epiphany about stuck songs, though. If one starts actually thinking about the lyrics, new ideas can be found that make life much more interesting. As the song starts, "In the same boat,'neath the same sail. Narry a ship, narry a sail, narry a soul on the whole horizon..." we all are in this life with seemingly no help. But we must remember, we are all in the same boat that just happens to be heading down that road to greater things. :) Don't forget the pail!
People are like music; some speak truth and others are just noise.