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Showing posts from August, 2013

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

Dear Reader, I woke up this morning to an empty apartment. This was very odd to me considering that when I went to bed at midnight there were 8-10 people there, most of whom were planning to spend the night. About 6 people slept in our apartment and they were all gone when I woke up this morning. It was pretty legit. It was a good chance to sit and think about how great our Spring/Summer terms have been! Three of our roommates have been gone for a week or more now. Spencer got married at the beginning of August. Nick and Cameron moved out this past week and have sort of been replaced by other people who will be moving down to the first floor with us. We have had good parties, late-night discussions about manly things and everything in between. I love my roommates and it is a great time whenever we get together. Now we have empty chairs at an empty table before we move out tomorrow.

It's not Easy (Superman)

Dear Reader, I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naive I'm just out to find the better part of me I wish that I could cry Fall upon my knees Find a way to lie About a home I'll never see Five for Fighting wrote this song about how being a man. You can still be a superhero and it is still hard to do the things we normally do in life. Nobody's perfect. No one can be completely calm all the time; sometimes you will explode or break down. This week has been hard. I'm still trying to put my finger on the exact problem that provokes my irritability and annoyance this week. I don't like feeling like that. As explained in the song's lyrics, I wish that I could cry because that would help me get these feelings out my system. The climax of these negative feelings came while talking with two of my best friends. They were asking me some questions out of nowhere which I didn't quite understand. Trying to be a nice person and appease them because I lo...

It's Possible

Dear Reader, In Seussical the Musical, there is a small boy who sings the song "It's Possible" when he is in the bathtub and he imagines all kinds of seemingly impossible things. They told him it couldn't be done. Yet he did it. Many times in life we are told that something is impossible. Friends, family and roommates have all told me that certain things are impossible. Many times the situation in question just isn't worth testing to see if it's possible, thus it is never proven whether it is possible or not. Sometimes it is worth the effort. Even if they only thing you get out of it is the satisfaction that knowing it's possible. My coworker challenged me to something like that this week. She said it couldn't be done. Don't even try, she said. Well, guess what. I did it. It's possible. :) Don't ever think something is impossible. Just like Jo-Jo from Seussical, we can also know that something is possible. :)