Dear Reader,
I am not endorsing any particular candidate. I will vote for someone when the time comes. However, it will be a third party.
If you are a citizen of the United States of America or have lived here for more than about a year, you know at something about how the current atmosphere of this year's presidential election. Leaving all the affairs behind of the two-party system, this year we need options more than ever. We have them. I decided that if nothing is done, the country is going to have a miserable time.
Your vote counts. I don't care who you are or where you live. Your vote matters. It may not make a difference in final result of the electoral votes in your state, but your vote means more than that. Your vote is your voice. If you don't vote, you are using your voice to say that you are okay with the current state of the United States and its leaders. Your vote is your opinion of how you think the country should best be run and who should be doing it. We don't want either of the candidates in the two-party system running the affairs of the United States.
I am not endorsing any particular candidate. I will vote for someone when the time comes. However, it will be a third party.
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