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Dance life away!

Dear Readers,

Wow, talk about a long weekend. It wasn't horrible, but it was sure long. Saturday and Sunday were both about 16 hour days full of vigorous activity. I would like to give a shout out of my utmost gratitude to Katie for making our CD in our Disney show. We were working on it for about 4 hours and finally we got it all done.

Going to the M.A.C. took up my Saturday night, after my sister's birthday party. She's 24 now, isn't that weird? :) Tee-hee. I can just imagine the scowl she'll give me when she sees this post. We went out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, which isn't all that great if you ask me. Maybe it was just my dumpy mood that made it seems that way.

At the M.A.C., I discovered how tiring it is to dance for hours on end. There were several dances where I didn't even know what I was doing, just twirling my partner around. I say my partner because they weren't always girls. Just for the record, though. I did NOT ask any of the guys to dance with me. They volunteered. :) I may have made a mistake while I was there, though. I took with me a letter written by a friend of mine. There was this other friend there dancing with us and she doesn't approve of some of my opinions of late. I took this letter in an attempt to show her that her theory was based on ill-founded facts. It was a big leap trying to let her understand, but to no avail. My sincere hope is that sharing that letter didn't do more harm than good and that the author does not think me petty or rash for sharing it.

Sunday was a good day during which we learned about Noah's Ark. Did you know it was 450 ft. in length? That's almost two whole football fields! I mean, the Titanic was 1000 ft. long, but look what happened to it...

While most people most likely turned the superbowl on after church, I feel quite proud to say I went to my Mission Preparation class being held in our stake. It was really nice to go, too. We had Judy and Rich Cannon, former president of the MTC down in Johannesberg, South Africa. They gave us many good insights into preparing for our personal missions in the future.

Of course, my Dad had turned on the superbowl while I was gone. Upon arriving home, I got sucked in and watched the second half. I really shouldn't have, but I did. There were so many other things I could have done with those 2-3 hours, but I sat on my rear watching football. How grand.

I did manage to finish the worst book I've ever had the displeasure of reading, though. "The Catcher in the Rye", no disrespect to J.D. Salinger, is a terribly-written book. It's all about a teenage boy who seems to have no ambition in life, whatsoever. His favorite phrases(besides the 5 or 6 sayings that swear every other word) include: "No kidding", "That kills me" and adding "...and all" to the end of every sentence. The whole story takes place over the time period of about 4 days. During this time, the main character gets drunk twice, gets in two fights(both of which he gets destroyed), hits on more than 4 women(all of which leave frustrated or angry) and smokes three packs of cigarettes. That's just the tip of the iceberg. He's an idiot and makes terrible decisions without even giving them a second thought.

Yep. What a long weekend it was. Especially the night times. I haven't been able to sleep well. Stress, most likely. Suggestions on how to get better sleep would be very much appreciated. Go out and have fund this week!


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