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The Lord is my Light

Dear Readers,
Thanks for everything you're sending! We missionaries love mail and run to get it after lunch and after dinner every day(Except Sunday, of course). Seeing as it's Preparation day, we went to the temple this morning. Elder Owens and I did initiatory while the rest of our district did sealings. It was Elder Palmer's first time, other than his cousin's wedding a couple of months ago.
I would love to tell you more about Preparation Day, but I want to share my feelings on Sundays here at the MTC. First off, we love the Devotionals we have every Sunday. Last week Elder Richard G. Scott came and gave us an address and last night we had the Director of missionary services. Our district is in charge of taking down chairs after these events, so we get strong real fast. (2200 missionaries=2200 chairs. 1 chair=5 lbs. 2200 chairs...lots of lbs).
The thing that excites us most about sunday in our branch, however, is "Battleship Speaking." Every week in our branch sacrament meeting, one of the presidency speaks with their wife. Also every week, the conductor of the meeting randomly selects two missionaries to speak. In Spanish. No one knows who is speaking until after the sacrament when the conductor says,"Now we will hear from..." The missionaries chosen have to speak on the Presidency topic from the week before. Next week is the Atonement.
Anyway, the rest of Sunday is nice because we can go on walks to the temple grounds (Don't visit. They're very upset about things like that.) and read our scriptures without interruption. I'll leave now by saying the quote I happened across today which is comprised of two scriptures:
"The lord is my light; whom shall I fear? The lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalms 27:1) O Lord, wilt thou open my lips; that I shall sing thy praise. (Psalms 51:15)" That second one probably isn't exact, but I love that first one because it has had me singing this week's title over and over in my head. I hope you're all doing well. Same place next week!


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