I´m starting to understand almost everything the members say now. When they start talking about where their families live I´m totally lost because I don´t know any of these places in Chile. But when talking about the gospel, I can actually have a good conversation. As long as they´re not talking about the battle of Armeggedon or whatnot.
My brother Bryce asked about pets in Chile. Nobody really has weird pets. However, I did see a kid the other day with a parrot. Mostly cats and dogs, though. Everybody has dogs. It´s their alarm system for their house. We talked with a guy this week whose dog was attacking us basically. It was really funny. We stood outside the gate and called in as usual when a black guy leaned out the window and said, ´´no hablo espaƱol´´ to which we replied, ´´habla ingles?´´ He then came and talked to us because we´re American. He´s from France and England and travels for his work. It was really funny to listen to another foreign person talk about the same things that I noticed when I first got here. There are many BBQs and dogs. And everything is small- chicitito, perrito, etc.
We´re definitely working hard. We´ve knocked hundreds of doors and worked with the members on how to invite their friends to church activities. This week we only had three non-members come to church, but they all came with friends! Wahoo!
My brother Bryce asked about pets in Chile. Nobody really has weird pets. However, I did see a kid the other day with a parrot. Mostly cats and dogs, though. Everybody has dogs. It´s their alarm system for their house. We talked with a guy this week whose dog was attacking us basically. It was really funny. We stood outside the gate and called in as usual when a black guy leaned out the window and said, ´´no hablo espaƱol´´ to which we replied, ´´habla ingles?´´ He then came and talked to us because we´re American. He´s from France and England and travels for his work. It was really funny to listen to another foreign person talk about the same things that I noticed when I first got here. There are many BBQs and dogs. And everything is small- chicitito, perrito, etc.
We´re definitely working hard. We´ve knocked hundreds of doors and worked with the members on how to invite their friends to church activities. This week we only had three non-members come to church, but they all came with friends! Wahoo!
We´ve had many different things to do this week. We found a family of faithful members to a church we´ve never heard of before. New World Convenant or something like that. Elder Kamalu had a good time talking to them about priesthood and prophets. They were talking really fast so I was focused more on the language than on what the conversation was about. We´re going back again.
Cecilia came to Church this week! She and Naomi came to all three hours of church. We´re super excited. Marcelo didn´t come because of work, but that´s alright. We´re making progress.
Keep up all the good work back there. Elder Kamalu is sick, so we´re hoping I don´t catch it. We´re still working hard, though. Talk to you again next week!
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