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As Now We Take the Sacrament

Dear Reader,

Normally I would apologize for a long absence, but the experience we had today just can't wait. I had an entirely new view on taking the sacrament because of a simple oversight by one of the boys passing the sacrament to us. Then the Bishop spoke and gave a little more perspective on spirituality.

First, the sacrament. Today we attended our new ward in Kaysville and we were sitting on the front row of the overflow area in the chapel. As is customary with the sacrament meeting in the Church of Jesus Christ, the members of the Aaronic priesthood will bless the bread and water that represents Christ's flesh and blood before allowing the members of the congregation to partake of it. While they were passing around the bread on their trays, our row was somehow skipped. My wife, my in-laws and myself did not receive the bread while taking the sacrament.

My father-in-law and I both did our best to attract the attention of those priesthood holders helping with the sacrament and we finally flagged them down and were able to partake of the bread before they finished passing it around.

I asked myself a question at that point: How often do I ask for the sacrament?

It sometimes becomes a routine to attend church meetings and partake of the sacrament just because it is there and we don't have to exert much effort to partake of the bread and water in order to renew our covenants with the Lord. However, as I learned today, it is an entirely new perspective to ask for the sacrament as if it were something that we are not entitled too. Asking for the sacrament was a humbling experience and gave a new significance to it. Asking for the sacrament added another layer of value to it and made it more personal.

I urge you all to think about how it would change your perspective if you had to ask for the sacrament every week. There are those that do. Some are bound to their homes and must ask for someone to bring them the bread and water to be blessed in their homes. Asking for the sacrament is probably not the easiest thing for them. However, it makes it more personal and they can feel how much Heavenly Father loves them.


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